The Original BratCat and her human, Mike.

Mike Rhodes took apart grocery bags at the age of five to create pads of drawing paper. Decades later, he still hasn’t stopped, although he has switched from grocery bags and crayons to charcoal, paint, pen and ink, and computer. He has taught web design at Silicon Valley College, and has taught cartooning classes to elementary school children.  He has illustrated Tales of the Living Room Warrior, an eight-part fable following the epic adventures of cats from their creation of the world to their domestication of humans. He has written a book for his comic creation tool of choice, Manga Studio (aka Clip Studio Paint) for Packt Publishing: Manga Studio 5 Beginners Guide.

Mike is also the creator of Thingies, a fantasy comic book series that details the adventures and peril that reporter experiences while she uncovers secrets of her universe. His books and art work are carried by Fantastic Comics in Berkeley, Heroes and Villains Comics in Pleasanton, and Solo Comics in the Napa wine country. He has received a Bachelor’s degree in digital design. Currently he is Webmaster of Bratcat.com, Editor for BratCat Comics, co-writer for Godless and artist for the upcoming Death Drive.